Bleach Dye Clothing

A chance to explore bleach dye, and removing colour from clothing. One activity spread across 2 days: on day one we’ll experiment with bleach techniques, and on day two we’ll put our own colour back in.

Special Instructions
Please wear old clothes /shoes for this activity as there is a high risk of staining. We’ll provide clothing for you to bleach but you are welcome to bring your own black clothing to bleach too.

RCT HQ – 19 High Street, Dunblane (down the steps from the High Street or up the steps from Mill Row).

2 day activity: Mon 22nd July, 6.00pm – 8.00pm & Tue 23rd July, 3.30pm – 5.00pm

Open to all in S1 – S6 (based on most recent year group – 23/24 session)

Availability: Spaces Available


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